What is FNHURS?

FNHURS is the funny name for the Florida Nursing Home Uniform Reporting System. FNHURS is a new online reporting system developed by the State of Florida to capture actual financial and statistical data from Skilled Nursing facilities licensed under Chapter 400, Part II and Chapter 408, Part II, of the Florida Statutes and related Home Office entities.

What financial data and information will be required to comply with FNHURS rules?

Three (3) Florida Rules were established to define the data, submission process, and compliance with FNHURS reporting. There is also a FNHURS User Manual that further details the information and process. See below for  links to the final rules on the Nursing Home Reporting System and the FNHURS User Manual.

Along with the annual FNHURS online report, providers are required to submit audited financial statements for the same period as the FNHURS report. The actual report must be prepared for each licensee and their home office from audited financial statements. If the actual report does not correspond with the audited financial statements, the licensee and/or their home office must provide a reconciliation of the amounts presented in the audited financial statements to amounts reported in the actual report.

What is the deadline for submitting financial data through FNHURS?

FNHURS reports are due annually 120 days after the fiscal year end of the reporting entity. The Fiscal Year is defined as the 12-month fiscal period set by the nursing home and (if applicable) home office for financial reporting and budgeting. The licensee or their home office may request an extension through the system to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration for up to 30 days to submit the report if the request is received at least one week prior to the due date of the report.

How can MSL assist in preparing and submitting FNHURS financial reports?

The MSL Health Care Team has 50 years of experience in Florida Medicaid reporting and financial statement audits for Skilled Nursing Facilities. We have the experience and knowledge as a trusted CPA firm based in Florida to prepare and submit your FNHURS reports and related audited financial statements.

What guidelines should we follow for FNHURS reporting?

The guidelines for the FNHURS actual reports can be found in the FNHURS User Manual. The financial statements accompanying the report outlined in the FNHURS User Manual must be audited by a licensed CPA registered with the Florida Board of Accountancy.

What accounting standards should we follow for FNHURS reporting?

The financial statements must be presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and must be audited by a licensed CPA firm in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

Are there any financial incentives or penalties associated with FNHURS reporting?

The current rules do not specify fines for noncompliance with FNHURS requirements. However, there could be potential penalties and fines issued by the State for noncompliance with Florida Statutes. A Notice of Violation or Deemed Not Filed will also be issued to the licensee/home office for noncompliance.

What are the consequences of errors or inaccuracies in our financial FNHURS submissions?

The most significant consequence of errors or inaccuracies is additional time and administrative burden to correct and resubmit revised reports. The FNHURS review process will determine if reports are not filed correctly, resulting in a Notice of Violation for the licensee/home office. The licensee or their home office shall have at least 10 business days following receipt of a Notice of Violation or Notice of Deemed Not Filed to submit or resubmit the report to the Agency with any corrections or modifications detailed in the notice.

Are there any changes or updates to FNHURS reporting requirements that we should be aware of?

The final rules (as mentioned above) were made effective November 1, 2023. Any further rule changes or requirements will be posted to the same link in the future.

What documentation should we maintain to support our FNHURS financial reports?

The FNHURS reports are very similar to the current Medicaid cost reports required annually from all SNF providers. Along with this information, there is additional data related to staffing for specific positions and all cost centers. This is in addition to the information you must maintain to support the audited financial statements.

How can we ensure that our financial reporting aligns with both FNHURS requirements and regulatory standards?

Talk to your CPA, who can guide you through the best practices to ensure your accounting systems adequately support the FNURS reporting requirements and complement the audit process. There are also non-financial elements to an audit that must be maintained such as contracts, leases, personnel records, procedure manuals, related party agreements, etc.

What steps can we take to streamline and improve our FNHURS financial reporting processes?

Start NOW! Especially if your fiscal year end is 12/31/2023, you must comply by April 30, 2024, so time is of the essence. Contact your MSL Reimbursement specialist, who can start the process.

  • Determine your point person for the FNHURS report and Audit process

  • Start meaningful discussions and plans of action ASAP

  • Ensure your books are updated to GAAP-compliant mode

  • Coordinate all efforts through teamwork and effective communications

Does MSL have resources or tools to help us stay informed about FNHURS updates and changes?

Absolutely! MSL has been involved in the FNHURS rule development process for the past two years. We have followed the development of the system from the beginning and have been instrumental in guiding the Agency in the rule-making process and supporting a fair and provider-friendly system to avoid unnecessary and time-consuming efforts for our clients to comply with FNHURS. MSL is committed to remaining at the forefront of the FNHURS process and any future changes or updates to support our clients’ needs.

Can MSL provide training or guidance to our staff regarding FNHURS financial reporting?

MSL is planning to host webinars on FNHURS and financial statement audit related issues beginning in late October and any future sessions as necessary to keep our clients informed and educated. In addition, MSL will be available to train you and your staff on the process to benefit you and improve our services.